Saturday 10 May 2014

Mother's Day HooHaa

This morning my Facebook wall was full with all my friends writing poetic posts about their mothers and how great they are. Sure.

What got me thinking was for such great selfless women mentioned over there I only hear about them ONCE a year. For a mother who carried you inside her for 9 months there is only one day? Is that enough? Also for some one that great, that is what the posts say, is this day even necessary? You need a day to remind yourself to praise your mother?

This is ridiculous. All these stupid days celebrations is just a marketing strategy to me for businesses to touch your emotional side for one particular day and you value your bond way too much on this day buying selflessly products related to this day that the rest of the year there is no other emotional pulse left... ?

Ah well mothers are great lets keep a day for them eh! What about fathers? Lets give them one too! Oh.. Brothers, Sisters, Uncles, Aunts, Lovers...? Fuck! Lets give all of them one day each and lets celebrate folks! Today is their day! 

Just hold on a second. Really? 

The fact that you need a day to celebrate and cherish your mother's greatness makes it fake. A mother's bond with you is the strongest of all bonds you will ever make. Love her 365 days a year for the rest of your life. Talk about her every time you have gratitude arising for her from deep inside. I am sure it will be more often than once a year. Do not save it up for one particular day. Mention her more often. 

I am not in anyway condemning mother's day celebrations. I am thinking of some one who might have lost his/her mother. What importance does this Labelled day has for their true love for their mothers? Its free flowing love and gratitude. No reminders needed.

And so goes for every one else. Fathers, brothers, sisters, friends, lovers and all. They are around you not just for one day! You need them more often. So show them love more often. Write posts about them more often. Take them out for dinner more often. Buy them presents more often. You will see joys have started flowing to your life... more often.